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Riferimento: DL09006109
Marca: Dell'Orto
Filtro benzina per carburatore Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHM
Filtro benzina per carburatore Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHM riferimenti catalogo : 6109 - 29
Trova subito i ricambi per la tua Vespa, Scooter, ecc.
Riferimento: DL09006109
Marca: Dell'Orto
Filtro benzina per carburatore Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHM riferimenti catalogo : 6109 - 29
Riferimento: DL09011600
Marca: Dell'Orto
Getto Carburatore DELLORTO rif.catalogo 11600 x 02
Riferimento: DL09001476
Marca: Dell'Orto
Cappuccio copricavo per carburatore Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHBN-PHVA-PHBG-PHBD-PHM-VHSA-VHSB-VHSC-VHSH-VHSD-VHST-VHSG riferimenti catalogo : 1476 - 06
Riferimento: DL09012530
Marca: Dell'Orto
Getto emulsionatore minimo per carburatore Dellorto PHBH-PHBL riferimenti catalogo : 12530 x 02
Riferimento: DL09008649
Marca: Dell'Orto
Valvola a spillo per carburatore Dellorto PHBE-PHB-PHM-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-VHSA-VHSB-VHSC-VHSH riferimenti catalogo : 8649 x 33
Riferimento: DL09013086
Marca: Dell'Orto
Getto emulsionatore minimo B per carburatore Dellorto PHBH-PHBL-VHSA-VHSB-VHSC-VHSH riferimento catalogo : 13086 x 02
Riferimento: DL09052523
Marca: Dell'Orto
Serie guarnizioni per carburatore DELLORTO PHBH...AS-AD-BS-BD-GS-IS-LS-US-VS-PS riferimento catalogo 52523
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Riferimento: SP51009RA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa 50-125 /PV/ET3/PK50-125/S, volano ca.: 1390g, aluminium CNC, cone 19/20mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, M10 mm, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51008RA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa PK50-125 /S/XL/XL2/ETS, volano ca.: 1390g, aluminium CNC, cone 20/20mm/ 20/24mm, M12, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, M12 mm, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - first-class repair and per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51007RD0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS 2°/150 Sprint V 2° /Super 2°/200 Rally 2°/PX80 -200/PE/Lusso/Cosa, volano ca.: 1660g, aluminium CNC, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, DC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510029RA
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Lambretta DL/GP, volano ca.: 1650g, aluminium CNC, cone large 25mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510029RD
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Lambretta DL/GP, volano ca.: 1650g, aluminium CNC, cone large 25mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, DC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510026SA
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Sport, per Vespa 125 V15 -33/VM/VN1, volano ca.: 1250g, steel, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, hole circle: 98mm, 110 watt, variable ignition timing, per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510028SA
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Sport, per Lambretta LI/LIS/SX/TV, volano ca.: 1680g, aluminium CNC, cone small 21mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, 110 watt, variable ignition timing, Grade AA - first-class repair and per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51005RA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa T5 Classic, volano ca.: 1620g, aluminium CNC, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair and per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51009SA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Sport, per Vespa 50-125 /PV/ET3/PK50-125/S, volano ca.: 1390g, aluminium CNC, cone 19/20mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, M10 mm, 110 watt, variable ignition timing, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510025SA
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Sport, per Vespa 150 GS, volano ca.: 1250g, steel, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, hole circle: 75mm, 110 watt, variable ignition timing, per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51009RD0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa 50-125 /PV/ET3/PK50-125/S, volano ca.: 1390g, aluminium CNC, cone 19/20mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, DC, M10 mm, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51008SA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Accensione SIP PERFORMANCE di VAPE, Strada, per Vespa T5 Classic, volano ca.: 1620g, alluminio CNC, 9 bobine, 12 magneti, 12V, AC, 110 watt, punto di accensione statico, Grado AA - per una riparazione di prima classe e per motori sintonizzati
Riferimento: SP51005RD0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa T5 Classic, volano ca.: 1620g, aluminium CNC, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, DC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair and per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51007RA0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS 2°/150 Sprint V 2° /Super 2°/200 Rally 2°/PX80 -200/PE/Lusso/Cosa, volano ca.: 1660g, aluminium CNC, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP51008RD0
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Vespa PK50-125 /S/XL/XL2/ETS, volano ca.: 1390g, aluminium CNC, cone 20/20mm/ 20/24mm, M12, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, DC, M12 mm, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - first-class repair and per tuned engines
Riferimento: SP510028RA
Marca: Sip Performance
Ignition SIP PERperMANCE by VAPE, Road, per Lambretta LI/LIS/SX/TV, volano ca.: 1680g, aluminium CNC, cone small 21mm, 9 coils, 12 magnet, 12V, AC, 110 watt, static ignition point, Grade AA - per a first-class repair per tuned engines