Référence: DL09006109
Marque: Dell'Orto
06109 Filtro Benzina Carburatore DELLORTO
Filtre à essence pour Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHM références catalogue : 6109 - 29
Find spare parts for your Vespa, Scooter, etc.
Référence: DL09006109
Marque: Dell'Orto
Filtre à essence pour Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHM références catalogue : 6109 - 29
Référence: DL09011600
Marque: Dell'Orto
Getto Carburatore DELLORTO rif.catalogo 11600
Référence: DL09001476
Marque: Dell'Orto
Cache câble pour carburateur Dellorto SHA-PHBE-PHB-PHF-PHBH-PHBL-PHBN-PHVA-PHBG-PHBD-PHM-VHSA-VHSB-VHSC-VHSH-VHSD-VHST-VHSG Références catalogue : 1476 - 06
Référence: DL09013086
Marque: Dell'Orto
Getto Carburatore DELLORTO rif.catalogo 13086
Référence: DL09008530
Marque: Dell'Orto
Aiguille conique type K pour carburateur Dellorto PHBE-PHF-PHBR-PHM-VHSA-VHSB-VHSC-VHSH-VHSD-VHSG Références catalogue : 8530 x 08
Référence: DL09012530
Marque: Dell'Orto
Getto Carburatore DELLORTO rif.catalogo 12530
Référence: DL09008649
Marque: Dell'Orto
Valvola Spillo Carburatore DELLORTO rif.catalogo 8649
Il y a 15 produits.
Référence: VM84140700
Marque: VMC
Testa Cilindro VMC 177 cc for Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS/150 Sprint 2°/V/Super 2°/PX125-150/PE /Lusso/Cosa stroke 57mm, 8x screw-fastened, TUNING ROAD - for everyday use & reliable
Référence: VM84140600
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC 106 cc for Vespa 50/PK50/S/XL/XL2 Ø 56mm, cast iron, 6 ports, stroke 43mm, conrod 0,0mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), outlet trapezoidal, stud outlet: 52mm, with cylinder head, 8-times bolted, TUNING SPORT - high -performance & roadworthy
Référence: VM84140500
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC 187 cc for Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS/150 Sprint 2°/V/Super 2°/PX125 -150/PE/Lusso/Cosa Ø 63,0mm, aluminium, 7 ports, stroke 60mm, conrod 110,0mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), pin 15mm, outlet 3-parts, with cylinder head, spark plug centered, TUNING RACE - for professionals
Référence: VM14002200
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC ET6 135 cc for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK/S /XL/2 Ø 58mm, aluminium, 6 ports, stroke 51mm, outlet oval, with cylinder head, central spark plug, TUNING SPORT - high -performance & roadworthy
Référence: VM14002000
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC ET7 135 cc for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK/S /XL/2 Ø 58mm, aluminium, 7 ports, stroke 51mm, outlet 3-parts, with cylinder head, central spark plug, TUNING SPORT - high -performance & roadworthy
Référence: VM14002100
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC GS 125 cc 6 Traversi for Vespa 50-125/PV /ET3/PK/S/XL/2 Ø 55,6mm, cast iron, 6 ports, stroke 51mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), with cylinder head, aluminium CNC machined, 8 times screwable, stud: 8mm, hole distance: 56mm, TUNING SPORT - high -performance
Référence: VM14002300
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC GS 125 cc 6 Traversi for Vespa 50-125/PV /ET3/PK/S/XL/2 Ø 55,6mm, cast iron, 6 ports, stroke 51mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), with cylinder head, aluminium cast, TUNING SPORT - high -performance
Référence: VM84140200
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC RV-A 100 cc for Vespa 50/PK50/S/XL/XL2 Ø 54mm, aluminium, 8 ports, stroke 43mm, conrod 0,0mm, 1 Fascia elastica(s), outlet 2-parts, with cylinder head, 8-times bolted, incl. reed valve intake manifold, TUNING RACE - for professionals
Référence: VM84140100
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC Stelvio 177 cc for Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS /150 Sprint 2°/V/Super 2° /PX125-150/PE/Lusso/Cosa Ø 63,0mm, aluminium, 7 ports, stroke 57mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), with cylinder head, 8-times bolted, spark plug centered, TUNING SPORT - high -performance & roadworthy
Référence: VM84140300
Marque: VMC
Gruppo Termico VMC Super G 177 cc for Vespa 125 GTR 2°/TS /150 Sprint 2°/V/Super 2° /PX125-150/PE/Lusso/Cosa Ø 63,0mm, cast iron, 7 ports, stroke 57mm, 2 Fascia elastica(s), with cylinder head, 8-times bolted, TUNING SPORT - high -performance & roadworthy
Référence: VM1010710J
Marque: VMC
Tuning Kit VMC 177 cc for Vespa PX125-150 E Lusso'95-> /'98/MY/'11/Cosa 2 Ø 63mm, aluminium, stroke 57mm, with cylinder head, 8-times bolted, .
Référence: VM22159660
Marque: VMC
Collettore VMC for PHBH 28/30/TMX 27/30/PWK 28/30, for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3 inner diameter: 30mm, outer diameter: 35mm, 2-/3-hole, reed valve, rubber connection, incl. reed valve block, for tuned engines